To: Nikolaus Zmeskall von Domanovecz
Vienna, March, 1809

Anderson v1 pg224 - letter #208


       I fancy, my dear Z[meskall], that after the war, if a war is really going to break out, you will probably be preparing for peace negotiations – what a glorious task ! ! !  I am leaving it entirely to you to settle the question with my servant.  But the Countess Erdödy must not exert even the slightest influence on him. According to her statement she has made him a present of 25 gulden and given him five gulden in a month simply in order that he shall stay with me –– I am now compelled to believe in this generosity –– but I refuse to allow it to be practised any longer –– All good wishes. I thank you for your friendship and hope to see you soon.
                                                Wholly your